The purpose of this website is provide booking, fitness plans and nittrtional access to customers who are gym members - Creating the this website can promote personal training services, events, groups class and fitness products.
Our target customers are people who are interested in personal training, fitness and nutrition. They may live and work in metropltion cities who are busy people therefore, they would want access to expert Trainers, nurtinaiotst who help them accomplish there fitness goals and to help destress. With this website I want them to access our website anywhere, anytime, through any laptop, mobile devices or desktop.
Website Logo

Style Guide
Color Palette
Palette URL: https://coolors.co/002642-840032-e59500-e5dada-02040f
Primary | Secondary | Accent 1 | Accent 2 | |
[#002642] | [#840032] | [#E59500] | [#E5DADA] | [#02040F] |
Heading Font: [Roboto Condensed Bold 700]
This font is bold, readble and powerful represent.
Paragraph Font: [Lato Regular 400]
I feel this font compliments the other for the long paragraph
Normal paragraph example
The best Whitewater Rafting in Colorado, White Water Rafting Company offers rafting on the Colorado and Roaring Fork Rivers in Glenwood Springs. Since 1974, we have been family owned and operated, rafting the Shoshone section of Glenwood Canyon and beyond.
Colored paragraph example
Trips vary from mild and great for families, to trips exclusively for physically fit and experienced rafters. No matter what type of river adventures you are seeking, White Water Rafting Company can make it happen for you.
Site Map
The Site Map of a site is just like it sounds…it is a map of the pages in a site and how they are related and linked together. From the map above we can see that we will eventually have the Home page and 2 sub or child pages.
The lines that connect them all together indicate that each page should be accessible from any other page, it is essentially showing us the global navigation for the site.
Wireframes are like blueprints for making webpages. They should show the major sections of content that will be on the page and the relative locations of each element. In the wireframe below you can see there will be 6 sections to our page:
- At the top we have a section with the logo (the box with the mountain means an image) and the navigation bar.
- Then there is a banner image that stretches all the way across the screen.
- Next we have some text and an image
- ...followed by another row made up of an image and some text.
- Then one more section of text with no image.
- Lastly, a footer containing a copyright/name line and 3 social media icons.